During an eruption, if the wind is from the east at 10,000 feet (outflow), the tephra will fall on Vancouver, Canada in about an hour. This Page Hyperlinked [click on] Mount Baker Stratovolcano (background)© ™ ®/ Kulshan Stratovolcano© ™ ®, Simon Fraser University (foreground)© ™ ® ~ Image by Stan G. Webb - In Retirement© ™ ®, An Intelligent Grandfather's Guides© ™ ® next, The Man From Minto© ™ ® - A Prospector Who Knows His Rocks And Stuff© ™ ®
Learn more about the Cascadia Volcanic Arc© ™ ® (Part of Pacific Ring of Fire) Cascadia Volcanoes© ™ ® and the currently active Mount Meager Massif© ™ ®, part of the Cascadia Volcanic Arc© ™ ® [ash flow, debris flows, fumaroles and hot springs], just northwest of Pemberton and Whistler, Canada ~ My personal interest in the Mount Meager Massif© is that the last volcanic vent blew north, into the Bridge River Valley [The Bridge River Valley Community Association (BRVCA), [formerly Bridge River Valley Economic Development Society], near my hometown. I am the Man From Minto© ™ ® - A Prospector Who Knows His Rocks And Stuff© ™ ® The 2010 Mount Meager landslide was a large catastrophic debris avalanche that flowed to the south, into the Lillooet Valley British Columbia, Canada, on August 6 at 3:27 a.m. PDT (UTC-7). More than 45,000,000 m3 (1.6×109 cu ft) of debris slid down Mount Meager, temporarily blocking Meager Creek and destroying local bridges, roads and equipment. It was one of the largest landslides in Canadian history and one of over 20 landslides to have occurred from the Mount Meager massif in the last 10,000 years. Although voluminous, there were no fatalities caused by the event due in part to its remote and uninhabited location. The landslide was large enough to send seismic waves more than 2,000 km (1,200 mi) away into the neighboring U.S. states of Alaska and Washington and beyond. Multiple factors led to the slide: Mount Meager's weak slopes have left it in a constant state of instability. The massif has been a source of large volcanic debris flows for the last 8,000 years, many of which have reached several tens of kilometres downstream in the Lillooet River valley., to the south. It is arguably the most unstable mountain massif in Canada and may also be its most active landslide area. And on the north side lies Downton Lake Hydro Reservoir, impounded by the La Joi Dam, the uppermost of the Bridge River Project dams. The earliest identified Holocene landslide was in 7900 BP (before the present, or read it as the number of years ago). Further landslides occurred in 6250 BP, 5250 BP, 4400 BP, 2600 BP, 2400 BP, 2240. BP BP, 2170 BP, 1920 BP, 1860 BP, 870 BP, 800 BP, 630 BP, 370 BP, 210 BP, 150 BP and in 1931, 1947, 1972, 1975, 1984, 1986 and 1998. These events were attributed to structurally weak volcanic rocks, glacial unloading, recent explosive volcanism and glacial activity. Those who dance with earthquakes and volcanoes are considered mad by those who cannot smell the sulfur. We begin to deal with BIG (MEGA) EARTHQUAKES at Simon Fraser University (foreground) Kulshan Stratovolcano© / Mount Baker Stratovolcano (background)©New Cascadia Dawn© - Cascadia Rising - M9 to M10+, An Intelligent Grandfather's Guide© next, ~ Images by Stan G. Webb - In Retirement©, An Intelligent Grandfather's Guides©Countdown to Earthquake Drill - International Great ShakeOut Day is on Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 10:20AM, and annually on the 3rd Thursday in October thereafter - - I grew up in small towns and in the North where the rule is share and share alike. So, I'm a Creative Commons type of guy. Copy and paste ANY OF MY MATERIAL anywhere you want. Hyperlinks to your own Social Media are at the bottom of each post. Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under my Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Cascadian Megaquake 2 of 5

Cascadian Megaquake 2 of 5

https://youtu.be/LjDixpGsBf4 [9:53 minutes]

26,422 views Apr 1, 2009 I wanted to upload this series because I've had some really nasty "premonitions" about the Cascadia subduction zone. Specifically during the months of June-July 2009. We need to remember and learn about our local regions. If you live in an earthquake zone, a tsunami region, a flood plain, etc. These are important lessons from nature that many of us have forgotten. Stay safe. Disclosure now http://wakinggiant.org/ http://nworesistance.com/ http://stj911.org/ http://www.disclosureproject.org/ http://www.operationmindseed.com/ http://legionoftruth.org/ http://wakeupwinnipeg.ca http://integratethis.ca http://neutrality.ca http://stopc51.com http://noii-van.resist.ca http://winnipegcopwatch.org coalition government ciel avion traînées traînée chimique chimiques géoingénérie Indigenous rights 2010 olympics 2010 vancouver convergence 2010 pesticides pollution police brutality critical mass CSIS NAU North American Union International solidarity justice freedom freeman peaceful demonstration dangerous cult winnipeg canada Stephen Harper President Bush Occult illuminati aerosol crimes weather modification covert ops black ops federal government international conspiracy environmental manhattan project environmentalism greenpeace stephen harper criminal HAARP H.A.A.R.P. aerosols cloud seeding,spraying contrail contrails new world order NWO SPP security and prosperity partnership clouds of death haarp aerosol crimes morgellons biology chemistry freeman justice elite revolution resistance grassroots activism chemtrails chemtrail geoengineering canada winnipeg anonymous activism justice NWO lie technology environment pollution CFR power energy crisis oil gas war important hoax fraud fight illegal how to scam Vote Exposed iran weapons bush keith olberman liberty debate political gold silver standard sixties movie 2012 federal reserve new york ca canada california uk london SPP CIA FBI NAU NAFTA open borders Mexico Canada demonization jordan maxwell zeitgeist david icke jeff king david ray griffin North American Union IRS patriot act democracy FEMA nazi concentration camp bilderberg group militia new false flag terror attack fake National ID card sylph pwning chemtrail sky UFO clouds cloudship sky elemental elementals health politics obama mccain birds funny scary horror reality matrix neo wake up sleeping dreams consciousness critical awareness ufo ovni conspiracy love 2012 mayan calendar male female divine healing promise america chaos toxic dragon crisis maya nation state sick chakras greenpeace global warming olympics stargazing astrology atmospheric research brown dwarf solar flare family guy simpsons hologram project bluebeam election 2008 martial law disaster rapture the great deception galactic federation we want you to expose the truth lucht wolken zon sky plane vliegtuig wind clouds poison gif bende Conspiracy, New world order Freemasonry Al Dajjal Anti Christ Abdullah Hashem Illuminati Bilderberg Fema Cia Skull and Bones Bohemian grove Media cover-ups Lucifer Satanism Israel Washington Federal reserve bank 9/11 Money masters Nato Coca cola G8 European Union America Holland Turkiy Turkey Israel England Jewish Muslim Christian Army Chemtrails Alex Jones David Icke Al dajjal Anti Christ Fight Politics Bush Marines CBS Allah Tora Bible Koran aliens ufo war military middle east aryan turan Jezus Mozes Mohammed George bush Ron paul Clinton Reptilian Shape shifter Hollywood Neo nazi Hitler Obama Clinton Ron paul media fraud election fraud satanism 911 inside job Kite clouds basketball Sun Cloud game young old news NWO EDF JFK War 911 William Cooper Rebel freedom Wow warcraft secret life terror obama sex girl Ron Paul God WW3 2008 end war georgia mercenaries combat fight attacked nuclear tanks planes latest breaking development Bush Putin conference under fire America president FBI kinky prisoner NATO EU New World Order Death of legend Christ Lord Dead Soldiers Iraq Iran China Global Universe magic power storm bluebeam Agenda 21 American idol south park Comedy Evolution Dance UFO Alien UFO NASA ufos disclosure life string theory illuminati ovni physics reality real world spheres 2012 alien fleets space sacred geometry internet the golden mean fibunocci sequence multiverse awakening love forgiveness unity collectivity spirituality ET exopolitics truth mayan sumeria egypt spirit wall street TSX financial collapse rescue bailout congress USA Canada International system recession love federal reserve zeitgeist addendum venus project futurism emancipation sustainable development ecological resource economy revolution evolution peace justice diet scary nice pretty anime governor general NDP Liberal Conservative Harper Martial law organic food home schooling headlines oprah tom cruise britney spears miley cyrus the simpsons funny kitten cats new world order federal reserve economic crisis



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